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Have to claim DNF on this one. (EDIT: Now Finished)

Evermore - Alyson Noel

Okay, I'm not proud of it but there was not enough in this book (for me) to stay interested, could be because I'd read a few spoilers beforehand, I don't know.

I will review what I've read and try to keep it fair in relation to what I've missed out on. Maybe I'll get around to finish it, if so I'll change my review to reflect on that.

My first gripe with the story is a more-than-typical psychology-bashing.





"The whole time I was cooped up in that sterile white room, I received regular visits from a psychologist, some overeager intern with a beige cardigan and clipboard, who always started our sessions with the same lame question about how I was handling my "profound loss" (his words, not mine). After which he'd try to convince me to head up to room 618, where the grief counseling took place.


But no way was I taking part in that. No way would I sit in a circle with a bunch of anguished people, waiting for my turn to share the story of the worst day of my life. I mean, how was that supposed to help?"

(show spoiler)



Now, there are plenty of people who don't necessarily need a shrink after a traumatic experience to get back on their feet but this trend of viewing the profession with disdain perpetuates the impression that only the weak need therapy, the strong can simply shake off their trauma and return to an ordinary life. This is not only untrue, it's a bad message to send to teenagers/young adults whom this book is marketed for.

These two small paragraphs make light of the idea that someone may truly need psychological help to deal with a loss and almost mocks the efforts that many shrinks put into their work, not to mention treating the act of voluntarily seeking counseling almost as a sign of weakness.


Now, for the rest of what I read, I felt no real animosity towards the characters and their behavior but there was nothing to really make me care about them, either. I was a bit surprised that apparently outside Miles and Haven EVERY STUDENT thought of Ever negatively; I mean, through sheer statistics, there should have been a majority who barely thought anything of her, at all, or simply in very mild terms (i.e. 'she's hot', 'wonder what she's doing', 'who's she again?'), yet she constantly points out that EVERYONE thinks of her as a freak.

However, for as numerous as the random thoughts were, the book felt a bit empty. It felt like a story for two: Ever and Damen, with Riley as an unwilling third wheel, at times. There was no deep interactions with Ever's "best friends", Miles and Haven; for someone who reads thoughts, it seemed she had no interest in actually being a good friend to either of them, trying to talk to them and learn something, legitimately, rather than through the backdoor. They weren't particularly good friends to her, either, but all three of them weren't exactly bad (though Miles' being gay, seemed a little too obviously stated).

Finally, there's the 'dealing with death' theme; it never seemed to be dealt with, thoroughly. I have lost people before and sometimes there are still situations when I realize how much I miss something specific they did and I almost cry.

Ever, on the other hand, seems sad but distant about it; of course, people react differently but I would have enjoyed a deeper look into how it truly hit her, through dreams/nightmares, bad/overwhelming memories, days when it all just slammed down on her or when someone did something her mom or dad used to do, because I CANNOT find this kind of slight apathy even remotely believable but that could just be me.


On a more positive note, the story is easy to read, there are no extra lengthy descriptions that take away focus from the actual story but still enough that you can easily follow what happens and where and picture the surroundings as you read. The story is intended for those who like light romances without too many intertwining webs of storylines and subplots.

The concept of immortals and psychics is an interesting take on the supernatural and, though I felt it wasn't implemented to its full potential, it's well-described and a bit more original than the usual vampire/angel/werewolf/etc. spin that's become trend.


In conclusion, not terribly original or deep in its handling of its own themes (love, loss, friendship), and following the recipe 'love story for young adults' a little too closely but can be a nice quick read on a rainy day, if you keep a light mind to do so.


EDIT: So, I felt guilty enough to go back and finish it, immediately after writing the review. I will admit that there was a scene in which the past finally overwhelmed her but the experience seems a little glossed over, as do most things not directly concerning Ever, Damen or Drina, but at least it's there. I felt that it should have been a bit stronger or more often since she spends half the book crying 'It's my fault! I know it!' but again, different strokes.

I know it's tempting to have one sort of 'explain everything'-conversation but it seemed a little excessive with Damen towards the end when all is finally revealed, it should have been spread out a little more, in my humble opinion.

Other than that there was nothing that really deviated from my original thoughts on the story, so I'll leave the rest, as is.